Tuesday, November 6, 2012


E had just accepted a job offer as TERMINAL OPERATIONS HEAD from Gothong Southern (cargo side of the business). The offer is not all vanilla sky but he decided to take on this new challenge and left his position as OIC in an International Shipping Line. So from working in an International Container Terminal just 3 minutes from where he lives to working in a Domestic container terminal in the city 40 minutes away. The only upside is we get to go to work together(i work in the city) and home too if he's not tied up with work after 5.

I feel that he has this nagging feeling he might not have made the right decision switching companies. Salary is the same but cost is much higher working far from home. Although Gothong provides gas allowance (and a BB phone to boot), it's never enough. His mom just got him an SUV (Ford pick-up) on his 32nd birthday and it gargles gasoline like water. Gothong also has vessel operations 3x/week in contrast to 1x/week from his previous company. It would mean long hours at work and more to and from home trips. Gasoline issue again.

I kept encouraging him. Who knows, maybe after his probationary, better compensation (i.e. higher gasoline allowance) will be provided.

We went to work together this AM and after the hugging and kissing, soon as I got off his truck, my heart sinked. Later tonight he'll be leaving to Cebu for his training. I can only count in one hand the times we did not see each other for more than 2days. The longest was six weeks when I was working in Cebu. Even when he would go to Davao for their quarterly meeting, he won't be gone for over 2days. He would even sometimes tag me along.

We see each other every day and we do things together, from massages to shopping and even running small errands. We laugh and cry together, too. E and I are connected at the hip like that.

I am sad already. He will be in Cebu until the 18th. Although I will be joining him this weekend, I still feel miserable.

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