Sunday, July 15, 2012


It's Sunday. I recently switched companies and my two days off has reduced to one day. It's not enough and working for six days is too long. But I contain all my complains as much as I can for as long as I can.

My boyfriend (he's been recently referring me his finacee, tickles me) inspires me to persevere. I would always remember the sacrifices he made for his work. He'd endure sleepless nights unappreciated by the boss and under-compensated. And I know it wasn't because he wants to keep his job or wants to earn OT hours or perhaps ladder up in the, it wasn't all those. It's simply because that's who is.

Now his boss had been ousted and he's the new OIC.You truly reap what you sow. It's only a matter of time....AND perseverance.

I wish I'm more like him. I want to be more like him. So tomorrow is the start of another week. I feel a little off but I'm going to work.

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