Tuesday, April 8, 2008

alter ego

she's mostly badly dressed. when it comes to pulling together a look, she's a real shocker. one person labeled it as "a mysterious fashion statement". she cared, but what can she do bout it? it's her natural being.

when she eats, SHE EATS. in odious amounts. eatinism. pure gluttony. ha ha. again, she cared. but what can she do about it?

she's a hero. cheaply. domestically. she's other people's human rock. she can't falter. to her mini existence, that's a lot to live up to.

to her enemies, she's a conniving bitch. as if stoned somewhere secretly plotting to take over the world. seriously. she can't care that much. she can machine gun them all to death. in her mind, of course.

to her friends, she's a star. okay, overstatement. more like "bitchy enough to be their bitch". pardon the choice of words. it just sounded better that way. relationship to her friends is all familial and nice.

rumormongers to her are but lonely arses who just can't get over her. she once cared less of negative popularity. after having learned of the degree, she felt lurid. but she's not gonna let it reduce her to regrets.

her aura is purple, said one lunatic person. as for the significance, she does not know.

studying isn't her religion. the only time you will see her in the library is when she reads her horoscope in the day's paper or wi-fi-ing to check her friendster. textbooks bore her. she can only work with interesting numbers and subjects, not textbooky ideas and words.

if a few selected others are to blab bout her: "smart", "vain", "temptusely beautiful" (however he wants to mean with temptusely), "coffee girl", "bruha", "she puts the itch in bitch"...

they're her friends, nevertheless.

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