Monday, May 6, 2013

April 30, 2013

My workmate Joyce has a new phone and she's super happy. It's an S3. Went to try the camere and photo here:

April 28, 2013

My niece Georgy 😍 My sister and her family visit us every Sunday. We'd then share to excess afternoon snack and dinner 😜

I'm always extra happy whenever Georgy's around. I'd take her to walks outside and I know when she learns to walk without my hand supporting her, I'd be chasing her to giggle!

April 29, 2013

Movie Mondate with the boyfriend. Iron Man 3 this time. A so so movie in my opinion. You'll forget it soon as you get out of the theatre.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

April 27, 2013

My day was spent with meetings with suppliers. Then took this photo before going out to meet the boyfriend for our SaturDate. That's Joyce and Jackie. Nofilter here, hehe

April 26, 2013

This day was uneventful. I googled more about vitamin B deficiency as i suspect it may be one of the reasons for the boyfriend's loss of appetite and leg muscles numbness. Look what I found:

April 25, 2013

Finally wore my Isabel Marant top. It's been stored for months because i get self conscious for clothes that's too close to the skin. My tummy is no longer as flat as 2years ago! But here it is:

April 24, 2013

The boyfriend and I played badminton with his former work friends. Oh actually, I played badminton while the boyfriend stays on the bench. He's been suffering from muscle numbness and was just attended by the manghihilot.

I played for about 20minutes only. I got a bit bored with my girl playmates as they don't take it seriously while i did. I wanted to REALLY play and they don't even know the rules! Bummer! I stopped earlier than I usually do. I'll play with the guys next time.

We then went to binge in a local grill. My night was saved! Haha

April 23, 203

After pizza dinner with my pretty workmates, I went to Mango to get me those loved trousers again. I now have 5 of the same kind (1 navy, 2 black, 2 beige). I got 20% off for buying 3 regular priced items. I got me 2 trousers for 1,500 each plus another leggings for 795 (love their leggings). I only paid about 3,000. It's like I got the leggings for free! Amazing!

But I vow this will be my last Mango shopping til my credit card breathes.

Monday, April 22, 2013

April 22, 2013

It's MonDate with the boyfriend. Dinner and movie. But before we did both, the boyfriend and I went to Salon de Rose for his haircut with his new favorite barber. New because his go-to haircutter before is a gay guy from a "parlor" in our hometown. I encouraged him to try other as there sure is someone better suited for him. And he did fine one. Photo here:

Sunday, April 21, 2013

April 21, 2013

I went to church with my friend James this morning. It was a great service except that the foreign minister had a tendency to raise his voice it's almost he's shouting at us...I have a bit of an issue about that. Nevertheless, I felt renewed in spirit.

I was reminded of God's promise land...a life full of contentment and feeling so blessed that you want to be a blessing to others...that is what I pray and hope for!

So after church, James bought us lunch at Bigby's in Centrio (my choice). I have come to love even more their Tiki Wacki salad...greens tossed in caesar and it's mixed with chicken salad, mangoes, grapes, walnuts and all other add-ons you see in most green salads. Photo here:

April 19, 2013

It was my workmate's birthday and she treated us all with Calda's pizza for our afternoon snack. Humble pizza but we all bonded because of it. Plenty of pictures were taken.

April 20, 2013

My most favorite workmake Melody is leaving Kia for Malaysia. I'm sorry she has to leave. She's cheerful and friendly and always offers pika-pika. Since today is her last day, as per culture in Kia i noticed, she sponsored a little salo-salo.

I hope our paths will cross again one day.