Wednesday, September 12, 2012

❀❀ price of pretty ❀❀

I'm in an unending quest of finding the right foundation. It's robbing me. They cost over 2,000 per bottle. A few years back, I was content with pharmaceutical brands like Maybelline, Revlon, and Loreal. I remember feeling superior then owning "branded" cosmetics. I can be naive, I know. I've seen the white light so I'm now more inclined to owning the real branded cosmetics like MAC, Smashbox, Nars, Shiseido, and Lancome.

My skin type is a bit special, that's why. I'm acidic and prone to hormonal acne. So it has to be TRUE (no false claims) non-comedogenic. I also buy shades one or two tones lighter than my skin tone because of my acidic skin. I have nooo idea what's the cause of that. Also, I have yellow-ish skin so most Smashbox foundations (I've tried 4 kinds) works well for me. But their products don't cope well with acid and their shades are sooo limited.

So far, Lancome Macqui Blanc is my better choice. It's made for Asian Skin. I wear this all day at work and it never cakes, though it fades just a tiny bit. No breakouts. The only disadvantage is that it's not as yellow-ish as Smashbox.

I haven't found my personal demi-god of all foundations yet. The search continues...I still have to try Shu Uemura, Laura Mercier, and Chanel. With all my might, I will afford them with my meager income. I'm ambitious (or vain?) like that.

game changers

Badminton wasn't exactly my forte until of late. I play, yes. But it was more for leisure than anything else. I had no intentions whatsoever of improving nor have enough care to own the right gear.

Not until i received game changers!

I used to be content with my 100-peso badminton racket. I only realized lately that it's the culprit behind my shoulder joint dislocation. It's heavier than the acceptable weight. Imagine my cost every time my shoulder joint needs to be adjusted...Per visit to the chiropractor is 1,300 and i made several visits and add up the fees of the manghihilot. With that total I'd have bought a high-end racket.

But I'm putting all those behind now. I have this shiny new racket given to me with love! It's not the best but is nice enough for a beginner like me. This PHP2,000 racket is a big leap from my PHP100 racket. We had it strung to its maximum 20lbs. It's so light I no longer worry about straining my arms. It changed my game and my attitude towards the game. Plus, I got this new Nike frees. Again, given with love! E spoils me! We now play badminton every Wednesday and I'm determined to better myself every time.

Monday, September 10, 2012

vacation lag

I have endured countless meetings at work. During the first few, I was always pen-and-paper ready, poised for serious note-taking. I do the obligatory nods on key points and wrinkle my forehead as if comprehending something so complex. But today, I was just not up to my usual pretensions. I tried to blend into my chair and not attract any attention at all. I heard nothing and willing my eyes to stay open required Herculean effort. I missed my bed.

What i feel is like a vacation lag of sort. I had too much fun last weekend that going back to work today felt like a punishment. It's only Monday, whatever will happen in the next five(!!!) days? Oh my Lord!

Monday, September 3, 2012

☀ sunshine in a dress ☀

I bought this H&M flowy maxi dress in H&M Singapore. Cost me about SGD90. I love it too much I want to marry it!

~A fond memory~ When E and I started packing in SG, bound for home. Since I have more clothes, he helped me fold. All of a sudden he exclaimed, "unsa ni, kurtina?" He meant my maxi dress. We laughed so hard. He's so clueless!

When E and I were in Singapore, a huge chunk of our shopping allowance went to H&M. I've been dying to shop in an H&M store. Zara, Promod, and H&M are my goto brands. I used to be all Forever21 but i've grown out of it. It's cheap alright, but you would of course get what you paid for. Too flimsy. Except the accesories, though. Love them!

Sunday, September 2, 2012


Georgina, the new baby in our growing family.

We share the same birth day, April 14. I'm already looking forward to her 1st birthday. Free food for myself and my visitors, hahaha ツ

Every Sunday, the family gathers at home for dinner so we only get to see her once a week. We'd all hover around our little Georgina. Such a joy.

Saturday, September 1, 2012


October 2008. My brother's civil wedding. With my sister.